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'Poldark' Recap: Season 4 Episode 2

Julia Maish

The powers that be are searching for someone to run against George for Parliament, but Armitage seems too sickly. What other dashing man might they choose? Demelza and Caroline help along that decision, while Sam gets drawn into a wrestling match.

'Poldark' Recap: Season 4 Episode 1

Julia Maish

Poldark is back, with all its romance, drama, and attractive landscapes (and people)! Demelza reckons with her relationship with Armitage, Sam and Drake are implicated in a dangerous situation, and rich lords search for a candidate to run against George in Parliament.

'Poldark' Recap: Season 3 Episode 8

Julia Maish

Did you miss the season finale of Poldark? Demelza makes a decisive choice regarding Armitage while Rowella and Morwenna stand up to Osborne. George makes trouble for Drake, while Elizabeth gives George an ultimatum.

'Poldark' Recap: Season 3 Episode 7

Julia Maish

Morwenna's husband is abusive, Elizabeth's partner is shunning her, Demelza's spouse is difficult and secretive; the women of Poldark are cruelly treated. But Demelza begins to consider another option, and Morwenna's sister swoops in with a plan...

'Poldark' Recap: Season 3 Episode 6

Julia Maish

Demelza continues to attract the attention of a dashing soldier while Ross becomes increasingly difficult and ends up giving George more power. Morwenna's marriage is dreadful. Agatha, in crisis, corrupts George and Elizabeth's relationship.

'Poldark' Recap: Season 3 Episode 5

Julia Maish

George schemes to ruin Drake, and Ross and Demelza search for a way to save the boy. But Demelza may hold the power to rescue him, if she makes a terrible choice. Dwight and Caroline's relationship founders in the wake of his traumatic prison experience.

'Poldark' Recap: Season 3 Episode 4

Julia Maish

Ross adds action hero to his list of roles as he and his friends conduct a dangerous prison break to save Dwight. Drake and Demelza struggle to break things off, but George and Elizabeth force Osborne into the picture in exchange for social influence.

'Poldark,' Old and New

Daniel Hautzinger

The Poldark airing now isn't the first adaptation of Winston Graham's historical novels. The BBC produced two extremely popular seasons about Ross, Demelza, Elizabeth, and George in the 1970s as well. How do the characters in the old and new series compare?

'Poldark' Recap: Season 3 Episode 3

Julia Maish

The Poldark family grows bigger but they're eager to help the starving villagers during this Christmas season – even better if it angers George. Meanwhile, the Warleggan master is using Morwenna as a bargaining chip to gain social influence.

'Poldark' Recap: Season 3 Episode 2

Julia Maish

Ross has left a pregnant Demelza behind for France to discover where Dwight is, and whether he's still alive. George wants to become burgess, but his ambitions lead Elizabeth to look for a coping mechanism. Sam and Drake seek to start a church.

'Poldark' Recap: Season 3 Episode 1 Part 2

Julia Maish

When ships disappear at sea, Caroline and Elizabeth's cousin Verity worry that their husbands were on board. George angles for a powerful new position, but is in competition with Ross... not that Ross is interested. Morwenna and Drake are hitting it off.. with Geoffrey Charles as third wheel.

'Poldark' Recap: Season 3 Episode 1 Part 1

Julia Maish

He's back! Captain Ross Poldark embarks on a third season of smoldering sensuality, questionable life decisions, and reckless heroics. In this first part of the special first episode, Dwight and Caroline get closer, Demelza's brothers appear, and Elizabeth has her baby.

National Book Lover's Day... On PBS

Daniel Hautzinger

Explore upcoming adaptations of books on PBS, from beloved classics to contemporary novels, on National Book Lover's Day. In development are versions of one of the most famous American novels, an English book with a familiar star, and a liberating story set in the 1920s.
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