Partners, Sponsors & Thanks
CENTRAL STANDARD: ON EDUCATION is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Northern Illinois University, PBS Digital Studios, and by WTTW members, viewers and, with the help of Indiegogo funders and other friends of the production, including::
Murtaza Akhter
Rich Anselmo
Joanna Arellano
Jack & Mary Pat Ashby
Lauren Beitler
Jamie Bender
Jack Blau & Jenna Phillips
Greer Braun
Bubbly Dynamics
Ben Chandler
Sara Chapman
John Corbett & Terri Kapsalis
Justin Dennis
Neal Dhand
Chris Domino
Dilini Fernando
Wendy Ellis
Alex Frankel
Jeffrey Goldstein
Echo Elise Gonzalez
Jacqueline Greis
William Hausle
Angela Heimburger
Drew Huening
Rafael & Lucas Cabrera Jacobson
Beatrice Jauregui
Carol Jones
David Jordano
Miriam Kelm
Ivan Khilko
Susan Knaack
Anna Kolak
George Kolak
Hannah Kolak
Lorie Kolak
Raymond & Dayle Kolak
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Koldyke
Jeremy & Al Larkin
Andrés Lemus-Spont
Connie Ma
Ben MacDonald
Andrew Marchesseault
Reese Marcusson
Ruth Martin
Kathleen Meil
Jeff Milam & Hope Dinsmore
Jeff & Sheila Mohler
Nathaniel Mohler
Brian T. Murphy
Mitch Newman
Seren Orgel
Judy Phu
David Pickett
Dave Pompei
Megha Ralapati & Adam Waytz
Ann Ribstein
Joseph Riina-Ferrie
Eric Rogers
Pamela Rollins
Judith Royal
Liz Sdregas
Michael Shade
Benjamin & Dawn Shapiro
Earl & Brenda Shapiro Foundation
Will Slocombe
Sam Spitz
Marya Spont-Lemus
Marjorie & Jim Steiner
Juan-Pablo Velez
Nancy Watrous
Will C. White
George Wundsam
Kelli Yaussy
Kevin Yaussy
Access to Chicago Public Schools was provided with approval and review by the CPS Office of Communications.
The CENTRAL STANDARD: ON EDUCATION digital video series is a co-production of WTTW Chicago and Scrappers Film Group in partnership with PBS Digital Studios, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and its American Graduate initiative.
Video Series:
Brian Ashby
Ben Kolak
Executive Producer
Anne Gleason
Produced by:
Emmanuel Camacho
Rachel Dickson
David Jacobson
Sara Medlin
Carley Mostar
Brian Ashby
Ben Kolak
Emmanuel Camacho
Peter Galassi
Additional Camera/Sound
Rachel Dickson
David Jacobson
Daniel Leemputte
Sara Medlin
Carley Mostar
Assistant Edit
Daniel Leemputte
Juan Rangel
Brit Williams
Hayden Yaussy
Graphic Design
Akemi Hong
Original Music
Mojo Lorwin
Rights & Permissions
Sara Medlin
Web Content Producer
Margie Newman
Web Design & Development
Kevin Crowley
Chris Ege
Anne Gleason
Jenny Macchione
Reed Marvine
Brent Seehafer