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Playlist Mavis Staples

Mavis Staples

She Wants You to Love Taxidermy

Mickey Alice Kwapis wants you to love taxidermy as much as she does.

Isoo O'Brien's Big Year

This 17-yead old has seen more bird species in Cook County than anyone, ever.

Dollhouse Queen

Pat Lohenry has been making beautiful and impossibly detailed dollhouses all her life.

Phil Ponce's Paper Cuts

Your favorite Chicago PBS anchor has a no-longer-secret passion. Mexican-inspired papel picado. And he’s damn good at it.

Bald and Proud!

As a kid, she was bullied for her hair loss. Now she helps girls live bald and proud.

"Nice Ink, Granny!"

Helen Lambin got her first tattoo at age 75.

Heirloom Apple Collector

Al Westerman grows 124 varieties of heirloom apples.

Music Magic

How to make a classical musician: One hour before school. Two hours after school. Every day. Free. In a low income, mostly immigrant, school.

Hats and Gloves as Art

You have never seen hats and gloves like these.

A "Noble Army" Protects Health Workers

In the early days of COVID-19, 3D printer owners cranked out thousands of free face shields.

Sister Stephanie is Still Running

Why did Sister Stephanie Baliga give up her Olympic dreams to become a nun?

Lincoln Funeral Train

Dave Kloke built this working locomotive from scratch. Now he's making the train car that carried Lincoln's body.

They've Hiked the World. What Do They Find in Chicago?

Globetrotting hikers learn to love Chicago nature during the pandemic.

Upscale River North in Grittier Times

Black and white photos capture River North in a very different era.

Top National Park Photographer Focuses on the Indiana Dunes

When the Indiana Dunes became a National Park, photographer QT Luong had to act fast.
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