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'D.I. Ray' Recap: Season 2 Episode 3

Daniel Hautzinger
DI Ray and Clive walk down a narrow hallway
D.I. Ray and Clive visit a figure from Ray's past who has information on her case. Credit: Hat Trick Media

D.I. Ray airs Sundays at 9:00 pm and is available to stream. Recap the previous episode.
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Footsteps approach as D.I. Ray squats by the body of the just-killed Dave Chapman in an abandoned gym. The door bangs open and the room fills with shouts as guns are pointed at Ray – it’s the armored police squad that she didn’t wait for before entering the gym. Her colleague Holden intervenes and tells them to stand down as Ray announces that she is a police officer.

The police presume that Rav, who is nowhere to be found, escaped and killed Dave – and took the gun with him. And he’s missing his hearing aid, which the police find in the gym, meaning he’s probably even more jumpy and thus dangerous.

He is spotted on CCTV waiting for a bus, but when another armed police team storms the vehicle, he has disappeared.

His cellphone was switched off during the murder of Frank Chapman, so the detectives can’t use location data to ascertain where he was then. His possible involvement in the murder reaches the press, leading to a deluge of complaint because he had been in prison but was released early on parole. People begin to blame the police’s “woke” policies for the death of Frank and the nurse Megan Parks. The entanglement of two crime families, the Chapmans and Mochanis, leads people to start fearing a gang war.

In the face of this pressure, Ray decides to follow the only lead she has, even though it’s personally unpleasant for her. She agrees to go speak to Martin, her corrupt cop ex-fiancé.

He’s in prison, but has passed on a message that he has information about the murder of Frank – and will only share it with Ray. Ray’s boss Henderson has told her she doesn’t need to speak to Martin, but promises to protect her if she does. Nevertheless, Ray agrees to dismiss Clive and speak to Martin alone, even though she was supposed to be accompanied at all times.

Martin tells Ray that news of Frank’s murder has been circulating through prison. But he says that Rav is innocent and that the detectives should look into Lou Kirkby, an old acquaintance of Frank’s who was released from prison a month ago and was spotted by Clive at Frank’s wake. Lou had a falling out with Frank about fifteen years ago, not long before Lou went to prison.

Ray realizes that Martin is sharing information in the hopes of a reduced sentence. She tells him she was so embarrassed to be engaged to him that she hid her ring at work. He threatens to reveal her possibly improper relationship with Tony Khatri, her subordinate; she responds by telling him she’ll be sure his enemies, like Lou, learn that he sold them out.

As she leaves the prison, Clive quickly ends a phone call in which he was telling someone he can’t do this much longer; people are asking questions.

Ray has her own small secret, with Henderson’s brother-in-law Ethan. They have already slept together once, and when he comes over again he wants to get to know her. But she wants the relationship to be purely physical – Henderson’s warning that Ethan tends to be casual was part of his appeal for Ray. Ethan leaves, upset that Henderson warned Ray about him.

The police continue to surveil the Mochanis and Chapmans, but Suzie Chapman notices her follower and loses him after identifying Dave’s body at the morgue. She heads to the gym where Dave was killed and talks to two thugs there: Degsy, who was outside the room when Dave was killed but within earshot, and Stevo, the hat-wearing henchman who has been seen several times by the police around the Chapmans.

Degsy tells her about Dave’s interrogation of Rav, in which Rav kept insisting he didn’t shoot Frank. Dave responded that he knew Rav didn’t do it, to Degsy’s surprise. Stevo starts to prepare some drugs at a nod from Suzie.

The police spotted Degsy fleeing the gym on CCTV after Dave’s shooting, so they are on the lookout for him. They eventually find him outside the gym, dead of an overdose – and they suspect it wasn’t an accident.

The police have also been surveilling the home of Dawn Hughes, Rav’s sort-of girlfriend, who was housing the young Indian girl Sajna. They spot a man cagily entering the house and descend on him when he leaves with a bag. His name is Shiv Basra, and he has been housing Rav. The bag is filled with cash, a burner phone, and a passport for Rav. Under the pressure of jail time, Shiv eventually tells the police Rav’s location and plan.

Rav was meant to meet a van at a gas station in order to leave the country, but because Shiv was apprehended and never brought him his bag of cash, the van refused to take him – as the police see on CCTV footage.

Rav texts Shiv’s burner phone, now in the custody of the police, asking where he is. Ray decides to respond despite doubts from her team, identifying herself and asking Rav to give himself up. Rav calls and tells her that he will turn himself in, but he wants to meet her alone first. He texts her a location.

Henderson refuses to allow Ray to approach a suspected armed murderer alone, but Ray insists – otherwise they might lose Rav again. She dons a bulletproof vest and an earpiece to communicate with a commander and enters the factory where Rav is hiding. He doesn’t have his hearing aid and therefore needs to be able to see her to read her lips.

Rav tells Ray that this is all about the girl – presumably Sajna. Frank and Dave found out about her, and Frank wanted to go into business. Rav asks Ray for immunity before turning himself in; she responds that she can’t give him that because he murdered Dave. He argues that it was self-defense. He says that he was set up to look like the culprit in the murder of Frank and Megan Parks.

She asks him to put his gun down, and slowly talks him through it. But as he finally begins to lower it to the ground, an armed police team bursts in, takes a moment, and kills him.